Baptism @RLC

In Baptism, God freely offers his grace and lovingly establishes a new relationship with us and creates the faith community. It is in Baptism that people become members of Christ’s Body on earth, the Church. At Resurrection Lutheran Church, Baptisms are conducted during a special segment of the worship service that recognizes the responsibility of the family and congregation in teaching the child/individual about Christian faith. Being a Christian means being a member of the Church because the Church is the community which God established in and through Jesus. The entrance to the Christian Community is Baptism. We become Christians by water, the Word and Holy Spirit.


If you would like to schedule a baptism or simply have someone contact you - feel free to use our online connection card to send your request for information. CLICK HERE


At Resurrection Lutheran Church, our policy is to obey the command of Jesus to "baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Therefore we offer baptism without condition. One need not be a member of Resurrection or have a church background in order to be baptized. 

____________________________________________________________CLICK HERE to download an informational sheet on Baptisms at Resurrection.

Marked with the Cross of Christ

We strongly suggest that anyone desiring to receive the sacrament of baptism, for themselves or their child, make an appointment with Pastor O'Berg to discuss our understandings of baptism and to schedule a Sunday for the baptism.

In Baptism, God promises:

• to  make you or your child a recreated child of God, for you or your child will be baptized in God's name (Matthew 28:19).

• Wash you/your child clean of sin (Acts 22:16).

• Give you/your child the Holy Spirit, which will enable your child to call upon Jesus as Lord (Titus 3:5).

• Make you/your child a member of the body of Christ, the Church (Romans 6:5).

• Grant you/your child eternal life (Mark 16:16).

When you/your child is baptized, we, your Christian brothers and sisters promise: 

• to hold you/your child as a valued member of our Christian community. 

• Support you in making God's promises known to your child. 

• Support you in keeping the promises that you make to your child at Baptism.

Baptism FAQ's

Q: What is baptism?

A: Baptism is a gift of grace in which God, through water and word, claims us as his own. In the Lutheran church, baptism is one of two ‘sacraments’ through which we are made new, forgiven people, adopted into God’s family, loved for life and beyond. In baptism, God is the actor, it’s God who initiates a relationship with us. In baptism, God chooses us and we joyfully respond to that choosing. In the same way that we do not choose our parents but respond to their love, the same is true in our relationship with God. 

For Martin Luther, baptism was the primary sacrament. It marks our birth into a life lived in God. It reminds us of God’s claim upon our lives and God’s desire for us to know the joy of his love. From a more theological perspective, baptism also reminds us that a life lived in relationship with God is a daily “dying and rising”; dying to living our way or the way of our current culture, and rising to new life-to live, like Christ, in God’s way. 

In Baptism God claims us as children, adopts us into the family of God’s people, forgives us our sin for turning away from God, gives us the gift of his presence through the Holy Spirit, and promises us eternal life. A life of faith begins in the water and Word (promise of God’s love for us) of Holy Baptism.

Q: Can my child be baptized at Resurrection if I am not a member?

A: The short answer to this great question is simply, ‘Absolutely!’ All who desire to be baptized, or who desire to have their children baptized are welcome at Resurrection. Baptism is just the beginning of a life-long journey of relationship with Jesus Christ. Baptism is also a partnership in which parents, sponsors together with the entire congregation are equipped to joyfully work together to raise a child in faith. Because of this partnership we encourage parents to engage in an on-going relationship with Resurrection or another faith community for their own growth and support. When should I consider bringing my child for baptism? Parents sometimes wonder, “Is there a “right age for baptism? They might ask, “What if my child is not an infant?” Other parents sense urgency from extended family members, or feel the rush to “get it done.” There is no “right” age for baptism, nor do parents need to fear that their children are in danger if they are not baptized. God, who ‘knows us by name’ and who ‘knit us together in our mother’s womb’ is always ready to extend the gift of baptism.

Q: Can I be baptized as an adult, and should I choose a sponsor?

A: Yes! Adults who have not been baptized who wish to explore a life of faith and a relationship with Jesus Christ are encouraged to be baptized. Baptisms, while generally taking place at Resurrection in the Sanctuary at the baptismal font, are not limited to the church building. Adult baptism can take place outside, at a lake, in a river, or pool where full immersion can be experienced. Details about this can take place in conversation with the Pastor Mike (EMAIL). While baptismal sponsors are not necessary we encourage people of all ages to walk the journey of faith with others who can support us and grow alongside us in a life of faith.

Q: What are sponsors, who and how many should I choose?

A: There was a time when “godparents” were those who had legal responsibility to raise their godchild if their parents died before the child was self-sufficient. While this is no longer the case, baptismal sponsors are those who are chosen to help a newly baptized child or adult to grow in faith. The number of sponsors is simply a preference on your part, but no more than two or three are necessary. Far more than an honorary position, baptismal sponsors can richly bless a new Christian’s growth through prayer, love and a faithful example and should be chosen with that in mind.

Q: Can we request a "private" baptism?

A: Baptism is a community event that includes the entire congregation…one’s new faith family. Baptism, like adoption, welcomes an individual into the family of faith. While parents would never adopt a child and choose not to tell the rest of the family members, baptism welcomes and celebrates the new life of the baptized in the context of community. While baptisms can be arranged apart from the worshiping community, to celebrate baptism during the regular worship life at Resurrection is our normative practice and allows us all to see God at work, celebrate God’s goodness and welcome our new brothers and sisters into the family.

Q: Is there a 'baptism class' and do I have to attend?

A: We recommend that all parents and sponsors join us for the baptism class. Attend whenever you’re ready. Not only will the class walk you through the actual baptismal service, we’ll also help you to more fully unwrap this awesome gift of baptism. Even if you’ve attended the baptism class before we’d encourage you to attend to get refreshed and connect with other parents. My child has been baptized. 

Q: What are our next steps in this journey of faith?

A: The most important thing we could ever do for our child’s journey of faith is to tend to our own. Modeling faithful behavior – talking about our faith, praying together, reading scripture, worshiping – communicates values to our children. As our children grow, reading bible stories together helps to teach values and faithful living. And, of course, your children are welcome to all of the wonderful, faith-filled growth opportunities offered at Resurrection! When you attend the baptism class much more helpful information will be shared with you.